
Thanks, Ann, Lara, Olympe, Maria, and Stuart!!!

This father/son scene is absolutely wonderful.
Ah, thanks, Ann.

I'm glad he told Clark about Lois. I would have liked to see more of a reaction from Clark, though.
Clark was in shock over the idea of his son almost having died.

Thanks for telling that to Jon, Clark!!!
Yeah, sometimes those guys out there have to be reminded sometimes, don’t they?

That college dorm thing was a weak excuse, Jon.
Jon’s thinking about one the wealthiest women in the world staying in a college dormitory. She *is* Bruce Wayne’s daughter.

Ohh.... So that's the real reason why he has acting so skittish.
Zared’s promiscuity strikes again.

Love the Spock reference.
Well, I did say that I’d try to let Mr. Spock visit.

Laney! The final proof that Lois's relationship with Clark was nothing special. She was just the second of his three wives, just one of three women to bear him children. Maybe not even the woman who bore him the children who founded Utopia. Oh, WHAM, WHAM, WHAM.
Don’t bet on it, Ann. You might be very, very surprised.

I didn’t mean to say that Utopia was not founded by Clark’s and Lois’ children.

Now that is interesting, though. Dave recognizes Los as his grandfather.
Ah-ha! Got your interest piqued now.

Poor Hannah. He has really made her feel that she may not be the *one* for him.
Nah… Mostly her own insecurities. Of course, Jon *has* just assumed that Hannah would know how he feels.

Good! Now they have told each other.

Wouldn't Kryptonian etiquette expect him to respect, or even obey, his father?
Probably, but he’d still remind Clark of the rules.

Oh, so delightful! (And I'll bet the "view from behind" was delicious, too!
Yes, I bet it was.

“I hope I’m not being too forward, but I’m not sure how much time you have here, and I really like you, Los.” She brushed her lips across his. “No, I think I’m in love with you. I think I fell in love with you the minute I saw you.”
And she tells him, too.
She knows she might only get one moment in time.

K'al is disgusting. Well, he is. And Kryptonian royal protocol is disgusting.
A royal pain in the…

I think she should be interested in her biological mother. She should be grateful to her, too. After all, her mother was raped and became pregnant, and she could have had an abortion, but she kept the baby and gave birth to Marisol. You should be interested and grateful, Mari.
The dance of the adoptive child - should I or shouldn’t I care?

Oh, how sweet. <happy sigh>
Nancy does a happy dance. She made Ann happy.

So why was Los shouting "No!"? And why would Dave remember it? I can't help thinking that just maybe, Los could be Dave's father, not his grandfather. But then, who would Dave's mother be? Marisol? Ah, well, probably not. It seems just impossible that Dave would have no powers at all, except for his telepathy, if he had a fully Kryptonian father and a Krypterran mother. So I guess Los is Dave's grandfather, then, not his father. Well, that still means that Los had to have at least one child. Is Dave descended from Los's son or daughter? And who was the mother of Los's child?
Gold Kryptonite. (Of course I’m not saying that’s the way it is.)

And who was the mother of Los's child?
Who do *you* think?

Glad to hear about the DVD. And I guess she needed to tell Clark.
Thought you’d like that.

I wish she hadn't been so secretive.
She was afraid of changing the time line.

Well, this is a small WHAM.
Well, you have known about this possibility from very on in the story. I hope not everyone thinks it’s a little wham.

Guys do that? I know when I asked my mom about such things, she gave me a book to read... I have no idea what my dad told my little brother, but knowing my dad, he probably told him to read a book, too... LOL
Clark ain’t the typical father. And Jon knew the technicalities. He wanted to know about all the other things…

The Queen of Wheat.
OMG, that is so beyond hilarious!!
Thanks. I thought it was pretty funny, too.

Ahhhh!!! You can't leave us in the middle of that conversation! I want to know what happens!!! NOW! I'm going to send you back the little pole-dudes you sent me before, you know!!!

Well, sorry to let you wait that long, but I didn't get to post any sooner. You know, part of it is because posting your feedback tends to take its time. Lots of time.

Content? Why?
Did you mean consent? I know you wanted me to take it out, but I left it in anyway. Jon *is* underage.

Clark pursed his lips. “Well, some people would say that if she’s not willing to wait then she’s not worth it.”

Jon nodded. “Yeah, but you and I both know that’s not the case here.”
Jon is right, here.
Yes, he is so right.

...and totally wrong here.
Yep, but that boy’s not stupid. He’s learning.

His way of putting Dave at ease? Just like his father at STAR labs. You know, when he was sun-bathing in nothing but a towel...
Could be.

So Los is going to stay. Good.
Did I say that????

Sweet. Didn't expect her to have known for so long.
Yep. She has.

Investigative nurse. Lois' genes kicking in.
Must be Clark’s investigative genes. No Lois’ genes involved with Dave.

Can't figure why. Not yet. Care to enlighten me? And don't tell me it's mere jealousy.
He felt like Clark had turned his back on New Krypton, so he didn’t like it that he had been to New Krypton, and he didn’t want him to have anything from New Krypton. He didn’t like it because Zara and Kal-El had again had contact and she had willingly handed her child over to Kal-El. (But Zara knew that’s where Zared belonged.)

Or is it just her way of making sure that the population of NK is growing?
Population growth.

Right now, that is a little bit complicated. How can K'al force Los to marry someone lightyears away? Without even being able to communicate to NK?
Might be pretty hard. But he can surely try.

K'al might just buy it. As long as she doesn't tell. But why would she?
Well, she certainly wouldn’t tell.

He should be mad - but not at you, Claire. Next time you see him, make him sing a permanent soprano! That should teach him.
Yeah, a good swift kick might do the trick.

Do this mean Los stay on earth?
Hmm… Did I say that? Did I? Really??? party

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~