(I've been given my pink slip by the nasty terminator... he does NOT show up in this story!!! But, man am I ever going to have Superman break his jaw next time I have a chance!!!!!)
Nasty bugger…

She felt somewhat guilty to see him go, as she knew she probably had something to do with that.
Naughty girl. Yes, you did.

And then when he'd asked if there was anything he could do so that she wouldn't leave, she'd told him there was no way unless he gave her an interview?
Yeah, Lois, you did this and still walked away without waiting to see if he would say yes.

After a few minutes of chatting with the Dark Knight, Lois had found out that Batman was really Bruce Wayne.
Oh, that’s great. I love it. Bruce Wayne went to the costume ball as Batman. I hope he went looking like Adam West’s Batman instead of the Dark Knight type of Batman. Even funnier…

She walked off a few minutes later, having gotten a few quotes from him and an invitation to dinner.
Clark’s got competition from *the* playboy himself.

At least he hoped that she wasn't going to go over to the editor and file a harassment suit against him for his behavior at the ball.
Hope she does.

he wouldn't have no need for a job or a partner,
he wouldn't have any need for a job or a partner, (You used a double negative.)

"I don't care what you want it to mean, Clark," she cut him off. "You've been cooped up in this suite since Halloween night. I know you're miserable in here. Talk to me, Clark, let me help. Tell me what I can do that'll make you come out of here. Please."
Drag him out of there, Lana. I like this Lana.

Hell, If I have to go out there and drag Lois Lane back here kicking and screaming, I will!"
Do it, Lana.

And for Pete’s sake, Clark. Quit feeling sorry for yourself.

"You realize, though," Lana started, "if we're on a first name basis, you'll no longer be allowed to call and pretend you've never spoken to me before in the hopes that I'll let you speak with Mr. Kent," she said, laughing softly.

"Listen... Lana?" Lois had a sudden urge to reach out to her. "I don't really have very many friends either. Maybe... we could have a cup of coffee together sometime and chat a little? If you like, I mean."

This is hilarious, Lara! [Rotflol] Lois, there is only one Batman out there. (And he wouldn't do something that stupid!)
Oh, I don't know. If Bruce changed the outfit a little, I think he'd do it... He just wouldn't use the 'Batman' voice.

Nevertheless, she thought it was a fun idea for Gotham's most eligible bachelor to come to this party dressed as the city's most beloved hero.
Did I miss something? Most beloved hero? The Batman?
Gotham's most beloved hero. (And Superman doesn't exist yet, so does that mean Booster Gold is Metropolis' most beloved hero?)

More. Nancy pounds her desk. More. More... Now. Getting impatient. Now... Sending pointy sticks... wildguy wildguy wildguy

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~