in fact there's one which, if I add a comment about it at the end of the post mysef, I think Ann is likely to hit me! *lol*)
Hmmmm.... Should I practice my left hook, Lara? In any case, you sure made me curious!

And, eh... you said that Clark's novel was *very* autobiographical. Well, the narrator there has a young daughter in London, a girl with green eyes. Hmmm. In the comic books, Lana had green eyes, or so I believe. Can't swear they weren't blue, but Lana was definitely a redhead, and they often have green eyes.

So... does that girl have anything to do with Lana? How old is Lana in this story? Could she, by any chance, be Clark Kent's daughter? (Oh, my. Super-Lana. I'm not absolutely sure I like this!)
