Lara, I have so little time to comment, but I just have to say... it was beautifully, beautifully written!

I love your portrait of young Lois Lane. You said you wanted to write Lois the way we know and love her, and believe me... you did!!!! Her self-confidence, her optimism, her determination... ah, her decision that she is going to interview Clark Kent, whatever it will cost! And she is partnered with Lex Luthor, whom she really dislikes! (You know, I hope she will go on disliking him.)

And Clark Kent the billionaire recluse writes fascinating novels - loved that excerpt, Lara! - and he has dedicated his first book to Lana, who may be identical to his assistant, Lana Lang, who for all we know may be more than his assistant (I hope not!!!).

Oh, fascinating! Fascinating! And so well written. I'm really, really looking forward to more, Lara! smile1 smile1 smile1
