Oh, my gosh. You mean DC actually published Clark Kent’s novels?
I can only assume that's what it's supposed to be - Under a Yellow Sun

Mind you it's a graphic novel (ie: comic book) so it could be just a Superman story... I'll have to buy it to find out. I can find it for 2$ on eBay, so it's going right on my Christmas shopping list of gifts to give myself this year. *lol*

“I’m too worried that Mayson will ruin my life.”
AAAAAAAAAAAH! Well, she better not! Cause I'm going to go out there and slug her! I swear!!!
She won’t. She loves him.
Somehow, that sounds even worse. hehehe!

Oreos coming up. (Olympe has also figured it out.)
I'm surprised it took me so long to figure it out.. because it really did come to me only as I was typing my FDK post. I'm so ditsy sometimes! (Especially considering you had already told me. Gah!)

Looking forward to the Oreos. hehehe! smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies