Okay, it's always bothered me that Lois was such a prize bitch during the Pilot, because that's not how I want to think of her. So you bet I was happy to see Lois like this:

Before the introduction, Lois hadn’t even noticed him sitting there. She turned toward him and her jaw dropped. “Clark Kent! Chief! He’s the guy I told you that you ought to try to hire. Remember? He’s good! His Desert Storm stories should have won a Kerth. The only reason they didn’t is because he was freelance.” She couldn’t stop staring at Clark Kent. He was about the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen.
Wow!!!! Lois knows about Clark already, and she has already tried to persuade Perry to hire him!!! She thinks he is a brilliant reporter, and she is not afraid to say so to Perry, and in front of Clark himself! And she acknowledges to herself that he is the most gorgeous man she has ever seen! I love it!!!! smile1 smile1 smile1

But hey, what's this?

Lois was going on about some story about EPRAD. Clark thought he’d read some of her stuff. Not bad. Definitely not his caliber, but she wasn’t bad. And hey, if she was working here, then why couldn’t he?
Clark doesn't notice Lois's looks at all. He knows of her as a reporter and thinks that she is "not bad", but "definitely not his caliber". He thinks that if someone as unimpressive as her is working for the Daily Planet, then there is certainly no reason that he shouldn't work there, too!

Clark is being a - well, an idiot, I think! razz Okay, he is behaving better than Lois did in the Pilot, at least. But he needs to be taught a lesson. He needs to understand that Lois is fantastic! Adorable! Gorgeous! A fabulous reporter! Nancy, are you planning to make these facts penetrate this thick-headed doofus' brain? Are you going to show us Clark falling in love with Lois? Because if you are, I definitely want to read more of this!
