Well, I've read this part this morning already, but I didn't have the time left to offer my praise ... uh, opinion. It does hav one big advantage: I've got a good reason to read it all over again. So, let's start...

Clark nodded. “The last time he was sick, it was pretty awful for him. It was pretty awful for me, too. Lois had just...” He swallowed hard. “...died, and she just always seemed to know what to do to make it easier for him. I... just... didn’t do as well. He wanted his mom. And I… wanted her to be there, too.” He shook his head sadly.
Seems like Clark is recovering from mourning Lois. After all, he is finally able to talk about it. I think that it's a good thing. And it makes me like Caitlyn even more.

Los pursed his lips and asked Clark and Jon, “Does Jon… Do you have triple helix... hmm... life threads as Kryptonians do?”

Clark answered, “DNA. Yes, he does. All of the kids do.”

Los narrowed his eyes in thought. “Hmmm…” Los then held his hand up and looked at it intently as he turned it back and forth. Clark thought that odd, but he said nothing.
I can't make head or tail of this one, but I smell a mystery here!

“Oh, yes. My... what do you call it... my see-through vision seems to be working.”
Sooo cute! Can we adopt the term? See-through vision is much more accurate than X-ray vision, either way.

Hannah nodded. She frowned and brushed her hand through Jon's hair. She looked up at Los and said, “And you will assist with this surgery?”

Los answered, “Of course.”

Clark said softly, “No.”

At the same time, Caitlyn said, “You can't.”
This is going to be interesting, Caitlyn once again doing somehting she has never done before, but this time without someone to guide her...

He looked at Hannah and Los briefly but spoke to Caitlyn. “Weren't you going to draw blood on me, too?” He looked at her steadily hoping she would understand.

Caitlyn bit her lip, realizing what Clark was thinking. She'd told him she was going to wait to draw blood til later in the week. She supposed she could draw it today though. She closed her eyes tightly and nodded. She softly said, “Yes.”
What a dad! He's really great. And I like that Caitlyn does play along. Seems she has it in her, too.

Jon laughed, “Yes, I remember that. We really ribbed dad over that. So you were the lucky lady. And I take it your sister is rich.”

Caitlyn smiled. “Yes. And yes.

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)