Gosh. I didn't expect people to like this part this much! Wow. blush I guess this is a classic case of the writer not quite knowing what pleases the reader. Even better was the fact that a few 'new' people have appeared, which suggests that perhaps more people are reading this that I originally thought. (That's good for my ego!)

Although I did wonder what Jack's "pieced" ear looked like.
I haven't corrected the version posted here, but I have corrected my 'master' copy, so it should be right in the eventual archive version.

Also, you are not the only one who wants to know about Ralph and the duct tape! (Maria, for one, also wants to know. smile ) All I need is for my muse to come up with a story...

Things continue to flow along much too crisply. I think it's time for those whams you promised to start showing up (You did promise us some whams... didn't you?)
Yes, I did promise some whams. Just a little more patience, my friend, and then... I hope it will be worth the wait.

p.s. for myself, let me say this: don't worry about the "roll call." respond to what you want to, and don't worry about listing names or whatever. you've got better things to write.
Thanks for that. I wish I could say that last week's activity was because of writing. Sadly, it was not. It was all work-related, and consequently very irritating and not very enjoyable! wink

I never expected to read a part htis way in this story!
Oh, dear. Is this my reputation for humour impairment showing through? wink I would like to think that there is some humour in this story -- that it isn't unremittingly serious.

Nan: hope the finger is better!

RetroRose, Merry, Gerry, Tricia, hopeless chocoholic, Irene, Pam and Wendy, thanks for your comments, too! Hope I haven't missed anyone.

Oh, and for anyone who might be interested, here are some sources of lawyer jokes:

