Chris, this is amazing! Not sure what it is, indeed! It's wonderful!

I loved the discussion over morals and the right/wrong side of the line. And whoa! You had CJ admit that he'd thought about killing Luthor, and that he wanted to. You gave him some doubt about his moral standards, instead of the straight-line 'Superman (or in his case, CJ Kent with superpowers) doesn't kill'. Of course he wouldn't kill Luthor, but it makes a change to see him consider it.

And then the scenes at the Planet had me in stitches! goofy And since you wrote Jack so brilliantly, here's a bonus for you:

[Linked Image]

And then the lawyer jokes... ROFLMAO!!! I can think of a few more, but I'm sure you came across all of them in your research. Hilarious!! laugh


Wendy (who is wondering whether ML will read this section... wink )

Just a fly-by! *waves*