<No time, no time, no time, no time> (Ann hums her new mantra)

So this is going to be fdk of the puny kind, I'm afraid, Nancy. First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. I was kind of wondering where you've been, since you seemed to have been absent from the boards for a few days, but your aunt's death most certainly explains it.

As for myself, on top of me having no time in the first place, my fridge gave out on me yesterday, and you wouldn't believe the circus that followed... (and it ain't over yet... razz razz razz )

So, your story. I don't know if I'm going to quote at all, but I will say I was enthusiastic when you told us this part was PG-13, though not because of Clark and Caitlyn sex. Yeahhh!!! I was wondering who you'd bring together this time, but I just couldn't figure it out. Zared and Jenni are married, but she is apparently not ready to have sex so soon after having major surgery. Jon and Hannah didn't seem too likely to become going-all-the-way lovebirds, because Jon has been skittish about having sex, and now he seems really sick. You've made me downright worried about him, and I don't like that! In any case, I didn't believe he was "up" to any PG-13 activities. (Sorry... laugh ) And Rya has just had a baby, and it's way, way too soon for anything to happen between Los and Marisol.

And it turned out that the PG-13 stuff had nothing to do with any sort of intercourse, but instead the rating was there because of the gynecological examination that Hannah had to undergo. You wrote it all with empathy and caring for Hannah, as well as with a practical, detailed knowledge of the procedures involved and with a down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach to the whole thing. You described it all in a way which is both medical-scientific and kindly maternal, and it was really so very, very well done. Actually, Nancy, if there is any (young) member of these boards who is about to have her first gynecological examination and is feeling nervous about it, I think she will find your description of the procedure very informative, and, in its own way, quite reassuring.

But, hmmm, Nancy, are you hinting you have little Lara involuntarily listening in on Clark and Caitlyn's sexual activities? I didn't say anything when fourteen-year-old Zared accidentally listened in on Clark and Lois, but goodness, Lara is just four. You need to see to it that Lara doesn't experience what goes on between Clark and Caitlyn, otherwise you'll just have to see to it that these "things" stop happening between C&C! ( Not that I would mind, you know!!! laugh )

It was, of course, absolutely, incredibly, out-and-out marvellously adorable to see Clark and Lara watch a Superman cartoon together! clap

I liked Chloe standing up to Claire, telling her sister that Clark must be told about what Alexis did to her.

I very, very, very much liked Claire asking Clark if he ever brought Lois to the restaurant that Clark is taking his birthday girls to. (And by the way, thanks again for the birthday girls... notworthy ) I don't need to tell you I'm happy every time Lois gets mentioned in your story.

Okay! I really enjoyed this chapter, Nancy. Now I'm waiting for you to fix whatever is troubling Jon!
