Maybe a shouldn't start this thread when I have almost no time to comment? But I just have to quote my favorite line from this chapter:

When Lois broke the kiss, Clark roughly fell off of cloud nine.
Ah, Barbara, I can just see superpowered Clark falling off cloud nine and just keep falling when Lois breaks off that kiss!!!

I'm so glad that Lois came to Clark and told him what she thought she knew about him. And, okay, Clark, now it's time for you to find some evidence against Luthor!

(Of course... I wouldn't mind Lois trying to take a closer look at that marriage certificate. Where and when was Clark married? And, if Luthor is involved, as Clark claims, shouldn't Lois ask somebody who should know about Clark's marital status but who would definitely not be controlled by Luthor, such as Clark's parents?)

Things are looking up! And I'm looking forward to more!!! smile1 smile1 smile1
