Yeah, Lara has posted another part!!

Lois went back to the newsroom, a bright smile on her face. He was here now and everything would be OK again. Clark - Superman! - was back in Metropolis.

"Listen, Jimmy..." Lois pleaded, "There are two, possibly even three, super-powered guys out there trying to stop a madman that's controlling the weather. This is your chance at an award winning photograph, trust me!"

"Yeah, but Lois, Metropolis is a big city," Jimmy argued, "They could be anywhere. Who's to say we're going to see anything besides lots and lots of water? I'm not going to ruin a perfectly good pair of shoes just to make you happy."
Jimmy is so funny here.

"He's back?" Jimmy asked, clearly excited. "Why didn't you just say so?
Ah, now we know who Jimmy's real hero is!

Flash stopped on a dime and sank right into the water.
Wouldn't that be great if we could all just run on top of the water?

You know, I seem to remember you being almost as fast as I am.

I just loved the interaction betweed Speedy and Supes. That was just so darn cute. You can't see it, but I'm smiling broadly.

"Oh don't be so full of yourself,"
Oh, I just love this. It so describes Flash.

"Ok, let's be serious for a second..." Superman started, "I tried blowing that cloud away, but it just wouldn't budge.
There's that Smallville bit that you'd already come up with....

Was the water really deep enough for Aquaman to swim in?

Well, yeah, I guess so. Metropolis is turning into another Venice... Three feet of water! Gadfries.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~