It was all *her* fault! Why, oh why, did she have to go and announce to the world that Superman was gone? What else could he have done but try and stop her? He'd known since the second they met that she would be his downfall. She could make his blood boil like no one could and mess with his head in such a way he should never have let her.

That damned flamboyant, impulsive - and insanely beautiful - blue pain in the butt! She'd done what he feared she might do, what he knew she would if he wasn't careful... she'd pushed him right over the edge and he'd reacted in a fit of rage, without thinking of the consequences.
Some-body's got aaa cru-ush!

Great banter between "Supes" and "Speedy"!

Yes, mostly A-plot, but such good A-plot! I love your writing, it is fun and cheeky!

lisa in the sky with diamonds