Caroline, this was a seriously fabulous chapter. Totally worth the wait! No time right now to tell you everything I loved about it, but I will be back to do so later tonight.

Several hours later:

His room was haunting him.
I love this thought and the entire passage that preceeds it. I have always been the type of person that imagines that a room can remember events - so, yes, a little fanciful. But it means that I really identify with Clark's feelings here.

Maybe Cat Grant, who had been uncomfortably obvious in her attentions to him the day before, would come to work dressed as a nun and sit primly at her desk all day.
That would be a sight to see!

And his eyes were telling him that they would be content to gaze on Lois Lane for the rest of the day and maybe for the rest of his life. ...his eyes had seen things. Lots of things. Incredible things. His eyes had seen the whole world.

Yet they wanted to stop right there and watch Lois Lane get coffee.

Clark couldn’t imagine how anyone standing next to Lois Lane could possibly notice another woman
Oh, he's got it bad.

"I was wondering if you might want to use my extra a non-date kind of way, I mean. Not that you’re not...I mean if I were...or you were...though I guess I don’t know that you’re not, but I’m not...”
Looks like all those bites Lois gave Jimmy transmitted some of the babble gene!

The last thing on earth he intended to do was to pick up another woman. He wasn’t sure he’d ever see the end of the trouble the last one had caused.
Yes, Clark has certainly been cured of having one night stands. Not that it really matters at this point, because he won't be getting over Lois anytime soon, if ever.

Watching Clark while pretending she wasn’t watching Clark took twice as much effort as just watching him would, which would mean four times as much effort as not watching him at all.
Simply priceless, Caroline!

He was keeping his promise to keep his distance, and that should have pleased her, but instead it was nearly driving her crazy.
Women. Earth women.

... this just proved what she already knew – that Wanda Detroit was what he’d wanted all along, and Lois Lane wasn’t worth a glance.
you may be suprised...

He was the kind of guy people just liked having around, and if he could write at all, Perry White wasn’t likely to let him go.
Yes, so you'd better learn to get along with him.

They had each found in the other a person of commensurate attractiveness who knew what to wear and which fork to use and was capable of making decent conversation over cocktails. It was enough for both of them.
I pity both of them for thinking that this type of relationship is enough.

Clark was going to be at the ball. He was going to be wearing a tuxedo. He was going to be smiling and laughing and maybe flirting with other women. Dancing with them, like he’d danced with her at the Stardust. She was going to have to see Clark Kent with another woman in his arms. She felt like throwing up just thinking about it.
And she's got it bad, too!

“Lois is more beautiful than any blonde,” Clark said firmly
See, Lois?

“He might be tougher than you think. Did you see the look on his face when I insulted you?”

She had seen it.
This Kansas boy has some unseen depths.

Because after the way she’d behaved, it just wasn’t possible that he could still care about her.
No, it's not possible that he still wants to care. But regardless of the fact that he wishes he could forget you, he can't.

She’d hardly needed rescuing from Jimmy, but the fact that Clark had bothered was still...

Well, she’d liked it, that was all.
So there.

I loved this chapter so much, Caroline. You mirrored their thoughts so well. Now if only they can get together and share those thoughts!

lisa in the sky with diamonds