Ah, Chris, what a lovely part! drool

Lois felt as if she were in a trance, between the beautiful ambiance of the mansion and the warmth of the man she knew, in her hearts of hearts, that she had already fallen in love with, next to her.
Aaaaawwwww.... <sigh>

“And I understand that your sister Lucy just married Jim Olsen?” Perry piped up. “They’ve been dating for awhile. No one knew that she was your sister, since she used her married name – Jordan. What a small world it is.”

“Truly,” Clark agreed. “We’re having dinner with them tomorrow night,” he continued. “I just hope it’s not going to be bizarre having our boss for a brother-in-law. I mean, it’s Lois’ brother-in-law, not mine, of course,” he corrected himself.
I love how is thinking of himself as so strongly connected with Lois that her brother-in-law becomes his as well! goofy

“Well, their marriage should take some of the heat off of you two,” Perry said. “I can see the tabloid headlines now: ‘Boy billionaire marries sister of reporter Lois Lane’. Lucy probably won’t even get a mention by name,” he chuckled. “After the way you told me she treated you growing up, Lois, now the laugh’s on her.”
Too funny! goofy

And Perry may be coming back to the Daily Planet! Wooo-hooo!!! sloppy

Thank you for this new chapter, Chris. It was great!!!!
