Clark would be very skittish about having more children because of what happened to Lois.
Well I hope Caitlyn convinces him.... smile

Ok... some actual real feedback not that the cloud of meds has lifted from my brain. smile

This I know is from part 26, but I gotta say:
You don't have a birth wife, Zared.
Oh thank goodness!! He needs to stay with Jenni!!!

He pulled the T-5 out of hyperspace.
ok.. I have to ask. cause even without meds, I'm not getting this at all. He gets it out of hyperspace? like what, he reaches his arm into some alternate space or something? I'm real confused. ...what's hyperspace, in fact? I always thought that was just the speed the Millenium Falcon travelled at. LOL!

Zared thought to himself that if he suddenly appeared on the starship Enterprise then he was in trouble.
Hehehe! He's only in trouble if he finds himself on the one with the registry number NX-01. On any of the ones registered NCC-1701 (A through... God knows!), he's fine. On some of them, there's even a guy who's a dead ringer for millionaire Tim Lake. wink ...sorry, could not resist. Die hard Trekkie, right here.

Suddenly the T-5 self-replicated itself into three and the three young men all disappeared.
AHHHH! Just when I thought I actually understood where this was all going, I'm all lost again. frown

<Oh, didn't I explain that. You see, I wanted to make sure, so I...>
waiiiiit! this is mean! we don't get the explanation? I hope we do later!!!!

They aren't... here... right now. They're some *when* else.
nicely put! somewhen. I like that. I might even use it eventually. wink

The two young men spoke in Kryptonian. "Beloved Father, Lord Kal-El, how be you this lovely evening?"
ok... wait.... they're starting to come out of the woodwork now! LOL! He's got more kids than that couple of rabbits that live out in my backyard. hehehe! wink

Can't wait to find out what comes next!!! smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies