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Posted By: Classicalla FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/20/06 10:03 PM
Ahh... Twists and turns abound in part 27, eh? evil

Feedback thread for A New Hero Part 27
Posted By: Poussin Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 03:40 AM
Wow. I got a little lost for a while. I had to read it twice to undersand everything that happened. I'm not very good at understand science-fiction right away...

I like when you go, but why do I have the feeling that, if all that happened, it's because the twins sons of Zara and the twin daughters of Clark are meant for each other? smile
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 08:07 AM
ooooh, my head. *lol* I'll read this part again when I'm off the meds, I think. I liked it, I think it's great that we get to find out what happened on NEw Krypton smile I'm just all confused with the T5 now. LOL! I'll read this again a lil later and give you proper feedback smile
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 10:50 AM
Yes, I, too, got a little lost, Nancy. Okay, this is what I *think* happened:

Clark, Zared and Jon are all sent to Krypton by their T5 thingies. On Krypton, Clark is told that Trey actually extracted some sperm from him - without Clark's knowledge or permission, by the way - and used this sperm to impregnate Zara, who later gave birth to Zared. Trey thought it was necessary for Clark and Zara to have a child together, since she was meant to be the ruler of Krypton and she is his birth wife. (Gaah. Am I right so far?)

However, while Zared was still just a baby, he made it known to the Kryptonian Council (or was it just to Trey? Or to Zara and Ching?) that he, Zared, needed to be with his father, Clark, on the Earth. So the reason why Jon, at least, is on Krypton is to bring his older brother home - except his older brother is, for the moment at least, his baby brother....

So Jon brings Zared to the Earth and leaves him with Lois and Clark in the past, so that he can grow up. Then Jon returns to the present, where he is greeted by his brother, who is once again his older brother... who is about to get married, by the way!

Wow! Complicated, Nancy. Okay - we needed to find out this about Zared's background. (Though I don't see why it would have endangered Zared's existence on the Earth if he, or the rest of the Kent children, had been allowed to meet their mother again, when she visited Clark to hand over the T5 device.)

Like I said, we needed to find out about this. Are you done with Krypton now, though, or will you bring it back? Anyway, whether you will or not, I'm eager to get back to the "flow" of your story and to see Zared and Jenni get married, for example.

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 11:33 AM
Okay, so this was an experiment of incorporating another story into this one. It was the story of how Zared got to Earth.

Arrggghhh.... I see you all missed the secret that Clark had been thinking about and wanting to share with his family. The one he shared with Lois after several years and that she got upset about it. It's here in the last line:

The two young men spoke in Kryptonian. "Beloved Father, Lord Kal-El, how be you this lovely evening?"
I changed the interaction between Clark and Zara just a little so I could do this line and hopefully it would be a WOW!, but I see it didn't work. I'll definitely have to work on this part. I wondered if I was jumping around too much. The twins are not Zared's half brothers. They are his whole brothers and half brothers to the rest of the Kent brood.

Okay, Poussin, this can't happen:

I like when you go, but why do I have the feeling that, if all that happened, it's because the twins sons of Zara and the twin daughters of Clark are meant for each other?
It is a lovely, lovely thought, though.

Yes, Trey impregnated Zara with Clark's sperm - without either of their permission. Since he wanted to be *sure* he implanted two embryos (I left that part mysterious.) one of which split into identical twins. The twins and Zared were triplets! If there had only been one, then there wouldn't have been the peace that I spoke of. Zared is not the 'heir'.

Zared only made it known to Zara that he was to be with his father. To assure that she understood this, he simply ceased to be seen by anyone else but Trey and Zara. Mike, the angel, helped with that.


So Jon brings Zared to the Earth and leaves him with Lois and Clark in the past, so that he can grow up. Then Jon returns to the present, where he is greeted by his brother, who is once again his older brother... who is about to get married, by the way!
No, Jon and Zared went back in the past to Metropolis. Jon waited on the roof to receive his baby brother to take him to the townhouse. Jon never went to New Krypton. After he received the baby Zared and put him in the townhouse, he went back to the present and arrived at the same time as the two young men and Zared.

The Clark that existed when Zared was about two went to New Krypton to get Zared. When he gave Zared to Jon, he went back to his own time.

When Zared disappeared from the roof, he as thrown back into the present and was in the present when he went to New Krypton. He went to New Krypton to bring his brothers to visit Earth.


Though I don't see why it would have endangered Zared's existence on the Earth if he, or the rest of the Kent children, had been allowed to meet their mother again, when she visited Clark to hand over the T5 device
Okay, I never said this. I said that if Jon told Zared about this too soon it could endanger his existence. Remember that T-5 that Clark still has?

Yes, I'm done with the New Krypton thing for the most part, but I'm at least going to have to change this part around to make it more clear. I'll work on that and let you know when I've fixed it.


Here's the conversation between Zara and Clark as it originally existed: (Maybe it will help, but it needs some work, too.)

At that moment, Zara walked back in. She smiled and pushed what could only be described as a pram over to Kal-El. <Kal-El, may I present yours sons. This is K'al-El and he is the heir. He is named after his father. This is his twin, isLo-El. His name means 'presented gift', but I've also honored Lois with his name. And this..> She picked up Zar-El. <...is Zar-El. He belongs with you.> She put the child in Clark's arms.

Clark was nearly speechless. Zar-El looked up at him, smiled, and thought, <Father. You have come for me.>

Clark looked at the baby then back at Zara and Trey. <How can a baby do that?>

<We don't know. Usually with babies, we can just feel what they feel. Zar-El has actually said little, but it has always had to do with you. Would you like to hold the twins also?>

Clark was in awe. <He and Zara were the parents of three sons.> He held them and spoke to them. Both of the twins were very attentive to their father. Clark finally looked at Zara with tears. <Zara, how can I... not... be with them.>

<The angel told me your place and Zar-El's place is on Earth. Yes, I know it's difficult.> Her breath caught and tears streamed down her face. <You taught me this, Kal-El... these tears. Remember that I will also not be there for Zar-El.> She wiped her tears. <And I'm also relatively sure that you and Lois will not be able to have children.>

<But..> The T-5 'spoke' to him telling him not to mention his and Lois' child together or her pregnancy. Clark understood that in the time he was now this had not yet happened. <...ummm... Ching.>

Zara nodded in understanding. <Ching loves these children as his own. I believe his discomfort about Zar-El was a way to prepare me that Zar-El wasn't to stay here.>

Clark nodded as he hugged Zar-El to him. The last he saw Zar-El, he was a rowdy toddler. Now he was again... um, well, not really.... He was a baby now. Clark looked up at Zara. <And this angel of yours. Does he have a name?>

"Mike." She smiled. Clark's T-5 replicated itself and he and Zar-El disappeared.

Sorry, it was all so confusing. How about if I date the sections with years. Would that help?
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 12:09 PM
Yes, if you date the sections, I think that will make it clearer, Nancy.

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 01:17 PM
Thanks, Ann, I'll work on that.

I wonder if anyone noticed the last line at all, and if you realized what it meant?
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/21/06 01:51 PM

Wow! Great part. hyper
Posted By: Poussin Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/22/06 02:03 AM
I changed the interaction between Clark and Zara just a little so I could do this line and hopefully it would be a WOW!, but I see it didn't work. I'll definitely have to work on this part. I wondered if I was jumping around too much. The twins are not Zared's half brothers. They are his whole brothers and half brothers to the rest of the Kent brood.

Okay, Poussin, this can't happen:

I like when you go, but why do I have the feeling that, if all that happened, it's because the twins sons of Zara and the twin daughters of Clark are meant for each other?
Well, now, I sure hope NOT! cat

And Geez! I wonder if Clark was thinking about having 9 children one day when he wanted a family at the end of season 4... lol smile
Posted By: TOC Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/22/06 08:43 AM
Yes, and will it stop at nine, Nancy? What about Clark and Caitlyn?

Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/22/06 12:34 PM
I haven't decided Ann. Clark would be very skittish about having more children because of what happened to Lois.
Posted By: LaraMoon Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/22/06 09:24 PM
Clark would be very skittish about having more children because of what happened to Lois.
Well I hope Caitlyn convinces him.... smile

Ok... some actual real feedback not that the cloud of meds has lifted from my brain. smile

This I know is from part 26, but I gotta say:
You don't have a birth wife, Zared.
Oh thank goodness!! He needs to stay with Jenni!!!

He pulled the T-5 out of hyperspace.
ok.. I have to ask. cause even without meds, I'm not getting this at all. He gets it out of hyperspace? like what, he reaches his arm into some alternate space or something? I'm real confused. ...what's hyperspace, in fact? I always thought that was just the speed the Millenium Falcon travelled at. LOL!

Zared thought to himself that if he suddenly appeared on the starship Enterprise then he was in trouble.
Hehehe! He's only in trouble if he finds himself on the one with the registry number NX-01. On any of the ones registered NCC-1701 (A through... God knows!), he's fine. On some of them, there's even a guy who's a dead ringer for millionaire Tim Lake. wink ...sorry, could not resist. Die hard Trekkie, right here.

Suddenly the T-5 self-replicated itself into three and the three young men all disappeared.
AHHHH! Just when I thought I actually understood where this was all going, I'm all lost again. frown

<Oh, didn't I explain that. You see, I wanted to make sure, so I...>
waiiiiit! this is mean! we don't get the explanation? I hope we do later!!!!

They aren't... here... right now. They're some *when* else.
nicely put! somewhen. I like that. I might even use it eventually. wink

The two young men spoke in Kryptonian. "Beloved Father, Lord Kal-El, how be you this lovely evening?"
ok... wait.... they're starting to come out of the woodwork now! LOL! He's got more kids than that couple of rabbits that live out in my backyard. hehehe! wink

Can't wait to find out what comes next!!! smile
Posted By: Classicalla Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/22/06 10:30 PM
Yes, they are his kids, but he never, ever thought he was going to see these two ever again.

I'm going to work on the last chapter and try to make it easier to understand. Thus far RL and computer problems have put a ringer in that... I'm going to put the explanation for this: <Oh, didn't I explain that. You see, I wanted to make sure, so I...> I didn't put it in to begin with because I wanted the twins to be a surprise, but I don't think it worked the way I'd planned. The explanation is that Trey implanted two embryos to ensure implantation. Both of them implanted and one split into twins.

Yes, I'm a Trek fan, too, so I couldn't resist the Enterprise bit.

Suddenly the T-5 self-replicated itself into three and the three young men all disappeared.
Each person needs their own T-5. That's why there was three of them. Of course Clark still has one out there yet that has yet to speak to him.


So, they both go back in time. Zared, get Clark to go to New Krypton to get him as baby and Zared to get his brother.
Mike, the angel, was the one that was directing or causing the events to happen. Clark, Zared, and Jon were just the players to make what was supposed to be happen.

Are they also Clark children?
Yes, they are.

Jon's job to was to take 'baby Zared' and leave it in the baby basket.
Yes. I did this because I had already established that it was best not to come into contact with another version of yourself. I also wanted to include Jon. Originally, Clark put Zared in the bassinette.

Why Zara didn't come with the kids?
Writer's perogative mostly, but the T-5 didn't give her one of itself. (Or Mike didn't do it.)

Don't worry, she will get to visit Zared later.

(And going along with that... Ann, I never said that Lois couldn't see her kids - only that she wasn't supposed to see Jon at the time she saw Clark at the hospital.)

Who gave Lois the T5?
Since it's a time loop, it's hard to say where it started since the T-5 is self-replicating. Mike was the one that started the whole thing though. Mike is a guardian angel for those of you who don't remember.

And, yes, Lara, I imagine that Caitlyn and Clark will have at least one kid (much to Ann's chagrin).

Finally, I'm going to go back and put dates in, but for the most part, I'm just going on to the next part before I really fix part 27. If I don't do that, then it's going to be a while before part 28 would get posted, and everyone is waiting for a wedding! Eh?
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: A New Hero Part 27 - 09/26/06 05:52 PM
Hi Classicalla,

Are they also Clark children?
Yes, they are.

It's a good thing Lois is dead! :rolleyes:

Zara never had children with Ching? eek

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