Thank you all for your continued interest and your comments. It does make it easier to keep writing this. I've just recently gotten past another smallish hump in the storyline, so hopefully you'll get to see the next few parts more often than just once a week...

TOC, I have to agree with LabRat on the whole no-relationship-if-they-are-siblings thing. Incest is, in most cultures, as LabRat says, one of the greatest taboos. It is a taboo in Lois and Clark's culture. And Clark, the character, and Lois, too, could not get past that sort of thing. I feel strongly that they would react exactly as they have.

Now... how do I continue to treat this? Are we on our way to some serious angst?? Well, as LabRat says, you'll all need to RAFO (read and find out). smile

But no, TOC, I didn't take any offense at your comments. You've been a very supportive commenter and I have really appreciated that.
I keep thinking about the fact that Lois hasn't got a globe
Well, you know, Mama stuffed that ship in a bag and dragged it off to the dump, what? Twenty five years ago? Was it found? Is it under twenty five years' worth of garbage? Either way, she apparently didn't realize the globe was detachable. If there was one. goofy

Maria asks:
Don't they use a swab today instead of blood?
Well, yes - but it was only just a developing technology when our Lois and Clark universe was created, in the early-to-mid 1990s. And actually, your comment sparked an idea that I added to a future section - I think it's either this section I'm just ready to post (16) or the next one. Anyway, I'm crediting it to you. smile

So... on to part 16...


TicAndToc :o)


"I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three."
-Elayne Boosler