Just to make sure there are no misunderstandings, Janet. I still feel frustrated that Clark would basically avoid Lois just because the two of them *might* be siblings. (Perhaps we all should be really careful? What do we know about our parents, after all? How does any of us know that the love of our lives is not our half-sister or half-brother, the result of our mother's or father's extramarital affair?)

But I *love* your story, Janet. And I promise I won't go on about Clark's (to me) exaggerated fear of incest. I've been completely fascinated by your story from the beginning, and I'm so anxious to see the rest of it. Whatever you do, don't ever think I was trashing your story when I was voicing my disapproval of Clark's reaction. And LabRat is probably right. Clark's behaviour is probably very much in character for him.

I keep thinking about the fact that Lois hasn't got a globe, and that Clark's globe hasn't said very much to him. There is something missing here. How about Lois's interlocking chains? Can they give Clark and Lois the answer they seek?
