TicAndToc -

Awww - you went and did just what I was hoping you wouldn't do, but of course makes perfect sense. Of course there's a possibility that they're related. I'm hoping that you'll find a way to prove once and for all that they are definitely *not* siblings quickly - do either of them have their globe yet, or might we have to wait until bureau 39 shows up? I sincerely hope not - I'm not sure that I have it in me!

This part was so wonderful & painful at the same time! Lois' babbling when she thinks that Clark must not "like, like her." That Clark is so anguished at her revelation, and Lois' pain also at Clark's insight - this was just so well written!

"And finally, she cried for what she’d found. If he was her brother, she’d finally – finally - found a family. But at way, way, *way* too high a cost. "

This had me in tears - poor Lois!!! And poor Clark, too!

Have a safe trip - and post as soon as you can - I can't wait for more!


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Mahatma Gandhi