Hey LabRat -

You know I also had kind of thought the same thing. That maybe it wasn't Clark, and was another Kryptonian. And maybe it was Earth from the future.

But then Tempus said "Hurry, the alterations I made to the time machine won't last long." So I decided Tempus must not have only time traveled but also had probably gone to an alt-universe.

And if he had gone to an alt-universe, it could very well be *Clark* that he had gotten...or maybe better explained that he had gotten Kal-El, because it seemed like Clark hadn't been raised as a human, but instead was a Krptonian living on Earth. Again, obviously he was on Earth, since he had the ability to look through the walls in his house.

The reason I thought the man was perhaps still *Clark* is because of the immediate attraction he felt to Lois from her picture - the whole soulmate thing.

Anyway, I just wanted to add that additional take on it.

Do you see how many commments and questions you'd aroused on this story? You just have to continue it. wink

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.