Queen of Capes:

Tell me if I'm way off but I was lead to believe by your story that Tempus had traveled into another universe to get a different Clark, not *our Clark* at all (raised differently, etc...), and bring him back to Lois & Clark's universe to split them up. It seemed like in this alt-universe that maybe the Krptonians had come to Earth and taken over it... At first I thought maybe this other Clark was on New Krypton but then he used his vision to look through walls, and talked about the native wood and plaster structures, so I decided it must be Earth.

I thought Tempus must have lied to this other Clark and told him that Lois was from Krypton instead of Clark being from Krypton. Something along those lines...

Maybe we do need a further explanation. But very interesting idea, anyway, I would love to see you explore it further. If I'm right, how will this "other Clark" react when finds out that *he* is *Clark* in the other universe and that Lois isn't a Kryptonian.

Very interesting...oh and yes, at first I thought the time traveler was H.G. Wells also, until the laugh at the end and "God, I love..." Irony, right? :-)

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.