I hope you don't wait another 16 years to write the epilogue! I just found this site a couple days ago and this is the only one I've read - I couldn't put it down! I think I may have spoiled myself and now worry the others won't live up. Hoping to tie up the loose ends soon!

Edited to add after having time to reflect more: I watched this when I was younger at the time it aired and had a major crush on CK (and let's be honest, still do). Reading the very steamy nfic chapters made this middle-aged lady giggle and blush like a schoolgirl feeling like I'd been caught doing something scandalous - but I SO appreciate you for giving me more of a visual of what was only innuendo back in the day wink

Last edited by Social_butterfly; 05/01/24 03:45 PM. Reason: Added commentary