Thank you for a beautiful story! It was fun to read and became my happy place, something I desperately needed. This has been an awful month for me and having this to look forward to was a lifesaver. I adore this version of Lois and Clark and watching them meet and fall in love in this universe has been an absolute joy.

You brought Smallville alive with the inclusion of so many wonderful original characters like Clark’ students and Sophie and Caleb. Sophie and Caleb are precious and I can’t wait for their sleep over. I also liked how you made Lana such an important and good friend to Clark. He needed her and Pete in his life. Logan in this chapter was a hoot! Mrs. Coach indeed! Clark’s note to Lois at the end made me teary eyed!

Lois and Clark will have a tough decision about what they do with the rest of their lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if they choose Metropolis and the Daily Planet but in will be hard for Clark to leave Smallville, his job, his students and his extended family. He’s been instrumental in shaping so many young lives. I know however you resolve their dilemma it will be be spot on and I can’t wait to see what happens but I’m hoping a certain man in blue appears.

Thank you for writing and sharing this universe with us! Like everyone else, I can’t wait for the next story! I love this universe!