The late November morning air was crisp, but the sky was sunny and last week’s snow had melted, making the world look warmer than it was. Clark buttoned his coat and watched as Lois bundled up in a hat, scarf and gloves. Once she was ready, he opened the front door for her and waited as she walked through before walking through himself and locking the door behind them.

He held his hand to the small of her back as they descended the front porch stairs. At the bottom, he dropped his hand, and she turned immediately and wrapped her hand around his arm, smiling up at him. His heart fluttered, still overwhelmed by his good luck.

They strolled down the three blocks to the town square, chatting about the weather and other inconsequential things, and Clark was acutely aware of how much he loved this – the normalcy of spending time with her, doing everyday things.

Clark is so right. The normalcy and routine of life is so very sweet. It grounds everything they have been through, making life richer and more meaningful. Ahh, young love! These two are so contented being together! Who needs Superman? They will float on their happiness! twins

“No, no,” she said. “You don’t have to reschedule. They’re really looking forward to it. I told Sophie she could pick the movie. She was agitated because I told Caleb he could help make the French toast. Something about him making a big mess last time.”

More of the normal and yet quite special. These youngsters truly love their uncle and having Lois be the one to remember and insist upon not canceling is an indication of how much she has become part of Smallville life. Especially with the Ross family. As they spend more time together, Lois will fall so in love with the kids that taking them off Lana and Pete's hands every once in awhile will become second nature. It is so refreshing to see them interact with folks outside of work... and I don't mean snitches, Lucy or Henderson. The folks of Smallville are worlds away from Lois' life in Metropolis which makes it really difficult to even speculate on where they as a couple with end up living!

“No, we are making apple pies, four of them. It’ll be fun,” he said, pushing the cart down the aisle and continuing to add various fruits and vegetables in more reasonable quantities to the cart.

She looked at him skeptically. “You really need to get out more if that is your definition of fun.”

“Oh, hush. You’ll see.”

Oh for goodness sakes! Cooking is fun Lois! Ask Uncle Mike! I figure by the time you get the tenth apple peeled you'll know how some of those tricky kitchen devices work! laugh

Finally, I have been reading LnC fanfic for a very long time. This story ranks with some of the greats! Thank you for making a hectic summer where I spent too much time in airports infinity better by allowing me to set foot in this Alternative universe. Looking forward to the final book. Man, am I hoping for a wedding! Ta da da da!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.