CarrieRene, aww, thank you! I thought this scene was just about perfect when I first saw it, but of course if left me wanting more. It got me wondering if Clark had wanted a little more, too. wink Thank you so much for the feedback! blush

Michael, hello! wave

Besides, he’d asked her to dance when the music had started.
He hadn’t even glanced at Mayson.
And yet he went with her.
Oh, man - you're killing me! mecry

The man could wear a tuxedo, she thought, not for the first time that night.
/Recommends she compares it with him not wearing a tux/
LOIS: *blinks*
Well, this is a much better idea! rotflol

She moved automatically to the front door, even though her mind was protesting that this wasn’t how the night was supposed to end.
Yes, she’s supposed to be dancing with a Kryptonian.
SPOILERS, dear! lol

His eyes flicked down to her lips.
Her eyes began to flutter shut.
And he righted them, setting her on her feet and swaying again to the rhythm they’d first established.
…what the hell?
maybe there’s such a thing as too pure a heart?
Baaaahahahahaha. Nailed it. (Or not, so to speak.)

It made a cracking noise against the exposed brick of her wall.
It was satisfying.
She threw the other shoe, too, as hard as she could.
You do a great irritated Lois.
Thank you so much! Teri Hatcher gave us a lot to work with. I don't get to be irritated out loud very much irl, so Lois helps me out vicariously.

This was a lovely yarn you spun
Thank you! I always appreciate seeing stories through your lens! Thanks for taking the time to comment on this little one!