
Was that what he’d been harboring behind the veil of frustration the last few days?

Was that what had flitted through his eyes just a moment ago?

Swoon. love

His eyes flicked down to her lips.

Her eyes began to flutter shut.

And he righted them, setting her on her feet and swaying again to the rhythm they’d first established.

…what the hell?

Wait, what just happened?! Lois was about to be the recipient of a loving kiss when Clark literally pulled the rug out from under her...

He was probably headed off to meet Mayson. She’d only been an errand after the ball. He’d returned her wrap and now Mayson was getting the glass slipper.

The above line says everything.

Today is over, she thought, in both regret and consolation.

She’d start over again tomorrow, armor intact.

She twisted the lamp switch just before pulling the blanket over her head, and the lights winked out in her apartment.

Closing her eyes firmly against the night, she never noticed the melancholy swath of red fabric that halted at her locked window just as her lights went out.

This is way better than the original. I can just imagine Superman coming back to Lois' apartment after the rescue was over to finish their dance. Sadly, she has firmly closed and locked the window leading to her apartment and her heart. Clark will have to find a way around his work partner's formidable armor.

Bon chance.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.