I really like this story! It definitely is going on my list of Kerth nominees next year. It's got a revelation, it's got a solid A-plot, it's got angst, it's got Bill Henderson, it has Kryptonite - man, it's got just about everything!

If this is really your first attempt at writing a story of this length and complexity, you're an natural. I'm not a writing teacher, but I can't imagine any teacher giving this story anything but an A+. The characters were true, the action was not only believeable but compelling, and the plot held my attention all the way through. The mystery elements were well-planned and well-executed, and the romantic elements were touching and heart-warming.

Thank you for such an excellent narrative, even when you made me suspect (just for a moment) that Clark would die and Lois would spend the rest of her life regretting. But I forgive you for that, because the payoff was great! I expect your next effort to top this one, since you've gotten so much more experience now.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing