Yes! I agree that it was great the way you were sort of "cross-cutting" (like a movie) between the conversations between Martha and Clark, and Lois and Jonathan! It worked just beautifully! It was actually much like the way Lois and Clark sometimes finish off each other's sentences, which I have always found so charming. And the two threads of conversation shed so much light on each other, and on Lois and Clark, and on the similarities between Lois and Martha, and on the Jonathan/Martha and Lois/Clark relationships, and... well, it was just great!

The story is really heating up. I love the way it is going. But... hmmm. Okay, after I wrote my Valentine story and found how difficult, and indeed embarrassing, it really is to try to write about lovemaking (even couched in words that can be expressed in the PG folder) I promised not to nag other writers to include love scenes in their stories. But, seeing where this is going.... Well, I guess that if you are not going to include even the tiniest little hint that Lois and Clark are doing anything more than being asleep in bed together, I guess I'm going to be just a little bit disappointed!
