I have to agree with everyone else, and particularly with Bettina. You scared me! First I thought you were telling us that you were retiring as an LNC writer yourself, then I thought that it was Lois Lane who was retiring and breaking up with Clark Kent. What a relief that neither was true!

And what an enjoyable story! I was alternately holding my breath and giggling. This little snippet appealed to me immensely:
I'm careful not to touch my face, or even move much. My hair's been styled meticulously, and I've got a microphone attached to my collar with a wire running down to the concealed power pack at my waist.
Wow, Pam, reading this I could just see the too-perfectly-styled for words TV people, and especially the elegant TV women, who have been so sprayed and touched up and reined in and wrapped up and almost-enough-to-make-the-breasts-tumble-out unbuttoned that they can hardly make the slightest movement at all without making their carefully applied facade crack all open. What a relief it was to see Lois regaining herself and the use of her body as she slipped out of that TV studio to meet Clark waiting outside:
I takes a while to extract myself from the studio. I promise to call Molly sometime soon -- and apologize for the deception. Skipping the dressing room, I head for the bathroom, where I scrub off my make-up, change clothes, put my hair up in a pony-tail and put on a baseball cap. Now that's over, I feel fairly cheerful.
Wow! I felt so relieved reading this, as if Lois was making a most well-deserved jail-break as she scrubbed and peeled off the TV makeup as well as her by now sadly constricting Lois Lane persona. And now she is free to find a new life for herself with her loved one:

He pulls me close and murmurs, "Going up." Before he's done saying it, we're at cloud height.
Wow! And now listen to this delightful, waff-inducing dialogue:
He looks at me for a moment, then kisses me until I can't think straight. Finally he pulls back and says, "I love you. Whatever your name is."

"I love you, too. Whatever your name is. What is it, by the way?"

"I decided to go with Joe Spencer." He grins. "It seemed very... ordinary. I'll go get the fake ID later, after you sign the lease on your new place."

"Yeah, you 'd better get legal," I tease. "When Lyn's green card expires, she might need to get married in order to stay in the country."

"You can marry anyone you like," he says, trying not to grin. "As long as it's me."
How sweet, Pam! And how beautifully written. You put a smile on my face. Now I'm looking forward to more stories from you! clap
