Well... that was... better than amazing.

I was told I had to read this fic. Just about ordered to do it, and I'm glad I finally put everything else aside to read it. Better than amazing, Ann. Much, much better.

It was sweet and waffy and sugary and wonderful and all that. And just about perfect.

I wont quote too much, since I'm sure that between Sara and Nicole the entire story's been quoted in this thread ( wink ), but...

Maybe Clark was a mistake... another one.
That line is just... it's perfect. Absolutely. Unequivocally. Perfect. Of course Lois is thinking that. Of course she's worried. Of course.

And this line...

Clark's shoes. And, of course, in each shoe a rose, each bearing its own card and its own cryptic word: "but", "world".
Just cracked me up. <G> The image of a rose in each shoe just tickled my funny bone in a very good way. <g>

I have to confess I don't recognise the poem, but that's no big surprise, I was never a poetry buff. <g>

Anyway... yep. Story is fantastic. Better than fantastic, but I said that, right? <g>

Great stuff. smile


'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters