Oh--wow! I loved this Lynn clap notworthy...

I have always enjoyed just how deeply Lois and Clark connect. How she really understood so much about 'Superman' before she ever even knew Clark and him to be the same...everything, so deeply, about what he stood for and how hard it was to be him. And how Clark, even while having wonderful parents and support, could fully understand all of Lois' loneliness, pain, and sadness. It's amazing how different, but how totally alike, they both are.

That's my favorite part about this story--how Lois herself doesn't know why she's scared of being with Clark, but how Clark can figure it out. How he illustrates it with a situation, but at the same time, gives Lois a friend.

Wonderful job!!!

(I really enjoys dogs, but have always, deep down, been a cat person....

I grew up with a fish tank--yeah, can totally relate to Lois talking to her fish whistle--but always ALWAYS wanted a cat. Once I was out of college, when my sister and I were going to get an apartment and live together for the first time as adults--when she was out of the country and I was finding a place for us to live--we made a deal. I wanted a cat, and she said that if I happened to find an apartment that allowed them, then 'sure', that would be fine with her. Little did she know, that cat-friendly places were all that I visited lol peep thumbsup . I did end up telling her about my 'plan' and I/we had Bella for 11 wonderful years.

Fast forward quite a few more years, and now two different cats--Scruffy, 14, a tough old 'grumpy' stray that adopted us (who has the best, most unique personality). And Lily, 3, a sweet little girl from a shelter that really needed a home (who plays with our kids and their toys like she is one of them--hilarious! ). I'm constantly impressed by how smart they are...how they know me well enough to predict what I'm doing before I start. How they know our family schedule, all of our kid's unique giggles and screams, and what they mean. And how they choose over and over again to love us.

Laura (Crazy-Cat Lady, in the flesh, who is finally ready to 'Submit' my post blush grin --again, awesome job, Lynn hyper ).

Last edited by LMA; 07/15/16 11:44 AM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~