Oh, thanks for the shoutout! blush

The pain Clark feels at the chance being offer to him is heartbreaking - knowing how much he wants it, needs it, and yet still too vulnerable to opening himself up to the possibility, to the very real chance that he'll be hurt again in a way he won't be able to recover from.

“Who do you want to be?” James asks, for the third time, as if the question is simple and the answer clear.

As if Clark has the luxury of choosing.

Clark has been taken from him. He can't choose to stop being Superman. He's being given "choices", but there's really only one choice to make, needs to make, has such a hard time admitting he wants to make. frown

“Even if people don’t believe it, they will pretend they do. For your sake. And maybe even for theirs, so that they can have Superman’s voice back. So that they can have Superman back, the way he should be. The way he is meant to be.”

Sure, "Magic's Greatest Secrets Revealed" seems like a show you want to watch, but then afterwards, as you watch other magic shows and automatically see what you're not supposed to notice, you start to wish you hadn't been spoiled, that magic still exists.

“So what?” she asks, bitterly. “Yes, Trask said that he’d tell the world about you, and maybe I justified writing that article by telling myself it was better if I did it instead of him. But it doesn’t matter. It was only a very small part of the reason, and I can’t pretend otherwise. I can’t just lie and say that my motives were purely altruistic.”

I really like that she doesn't accept this out - she's willing to own up to her mistakes.

He has faced the world a thousand times as Superman (his pieces of imperfection). It is time he faces it, for the first time, openly and unabashedly as Clark Kent (the whole that will make all the fractured pieces of himself beautiful and worthwhile).
Sniff, sniff...so beautiful! thumbsup

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink