Thursdays are the best days of the week now! I love having a new part to look forward to each week! I read this right away on Thursday, because I couldn't wait. Didn't have time for the fdk, but now I get to go back and read it again!

All through lunch she had surreptitiously watched Lex, trying to decide if he was ruthless, or charming, or ruthlessly charming, or charmingly ruthless.

Haha, such a terrific line. I can totally see Lois thinking this. Love the way that you worded this one.

The next day she had five more chance encounters with Lex. Each time, he had been amused by how often they kept bumping into each other. He'd even suggested, with a twist of a smile, that maybe she was stalking him.

And... shudder. Not loving the weird, stalker-y encounters with Lex... and just like him to suggest Lois was following him, when that was exactly what he was doing to her. When, exactly, does Lois get the best of him? Because I'm looking forward to it.

"I could not ask for more," he said gently. "Save an answer in the affirmative."

I had to pull this line out because you write such a brilliant Lex. And by brilliant, I mean, smug, smarmy, snobby, elegant, charming, manipulative, and seriously creepy. This line is so very *him*.

I loved Lois and Clark's phone conversation - they are so cute, in tune with each other, and your dialogue makes for a fun read. You've got just the right chemistry between them: deep friendship, lots of caring and missing, and subtle tension, like the sleeping in the nude part. As a reader, I'm anxious for them to be back together, but first, I want Lois to realize she needs him back with her like the air she breathes. She's getting there; I loved that neither would hang up, the story of the little girl in the moon and her realization that flying with Superman may not be as fabulous as she once thought it would. Baby steps, Lois.

Can't wait for the next part!

Tracey smile