Susan - Awww, thanks! You say the nicest things! blush I'm so grateful that you're willing to read these parts over and over again. hail
absolutely loves being Sue's beta, because she has a very vivid idea of exactly what everyone does (or does not) wear to bed.
Indeed, you do! Lois, Clark, *and* Superman. thumbsup

Hidden Moon - You came back! I was worried I'd lost you. Yes, I definitely want Lex to come across as creepy in this story (because, let's face it, he IS creepy).
I thought you'd make Lois realize how much of a jerk Lex is later in the story (although I'm glad she's a bit smarter this time, don't get me wrong!), so now I'm really curious to see how the plot will develop
Lois is supposed to be smart, so I wanted her to be smart. Any hesitation on her part in recognizing just how wrong Lex is comes from the basic human tendency not to believe we have poor judgment. Especially Lois, she has a harder time than most in recognizing her blind spots.
By the way, how cute are those two on the telephone? Forget the bill!
Thanks! They have lots more to say before it's over. laugh

Andreia - Thank you! It's so good to see you here! I have precious little time myself these days, which is why it takes me so friggin' long to get anything done. I get up early and/or stay up late to write, so it really, really, REALLY means a lot to me to have you take a couple of minutes to let me know I'm not wasting my time. wallbash
I'm wondering why Lois's phone is not bugged (Clark would know if it were, wouldn't he?)
How could Clark know the phone was tapped? A bug sends out a radio signal, but the tap could be on the line directly and impossible to detect. That is, if Lex is tapping her phone. Only Lex (and my beta) know for sure. evil

Thanks again, you guys, for the comments. They truly do mean a lot to me. sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis