Beautiful chapter, Anti-K clap clap clap...

The scenes with Clark's parents were written so delicately, so warmly. You could feel in the writing how fragile life is at the hospital. With their health, but also, with the situation notworthy.

I really enjoyed Clark's perspective in this section. Getting into his head a little bit. Thankfully, it seems like Clark is starting to do better. He's starting to sort of 'wake up' to what his situation has been, realize what he wants--if even still unlikely in his mind, and see that maybe he still CAN be himself.'s such a necessity. He has to have hope. But--like Groobie pointed out--hope can be dashed. Dreams can be crushed. Your reality isn't always what you want it to be.

This chapter felt great to read. I am so (however cautiously wink ) optimistic that things will keep heading in the right direction grovel grovel grovel.

Heading to Chapter 17 to find out a bit more wave

Last edited by LMA; 08/26/15 05:32 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~