LOVED this:
“You tell them that you are a gift to this world and that whatever you can do is more than enough. You tell them you help us because you believe there’s a hero in each of us and we can all do the same. You tell them that you are inspired by them and that if you are not there, then you trust everyone else to help out. You tell them that maybe they made you into a symbol, but you’re a person too. You tell them that it’s not only regular people who need saved and even heroes need time to themselves to remember why they’re doing what they do.”

Just because Clark has these powers, doesn't mean he has to use them all the time. He has needs just like anyone else. That's why we love Clark - because even though he's an alien, emotionally his needs are the same as ours. People don't expect doctors to save lives 24/7. They work miracles but they're allowed to have lives.

I hope this spark of hope gets some kindling feed to it smile.
