“Do you know, out of... everything you did for me today... that - what you just said - probably touched me most of all.” She raised her hand and, even as it shook, managed to bring it to his face so that she could touch him with her fingertips. “And... I asked her to wait in case I don’t get time to tell you this later. I... I love you too. I think... I have for ages. Just too... too stupid and stubborn and blind to see it.”

Her voice gave way on the final word. It didn’t matter, though. She’d said what she needed to. What she’d promised herself she would tell him before it was too late.

With an inarticulate murmur, Clark wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against him. His chin rested on her head briefly, before he began dropping tiny kisses against her hair, her cheek, her neck.

Then, with a sigh, he said, “We should go in.” Releasing her, he took a step back and held out his hand to her. “Ready to marry me, my love... my - ”

He broke off suddenly and looked away, and her breath caught as she heard him finish, under his breath, “- life.”
Are you kidding me? mad

This is sooooooooooo sad whinging

I have to read the next two parts but I just can not stop crying.

My god Wendy whinging
