Hey, just a quick note in response to Ann's comments -

if Lois dies in Wendy's story, I'm going to hate it for more than one reason. I'm going to think that this is one more story which treats women as a sort of natural resources whose passing can be mourned, to be sure, but hey - when we've chopped down one rain forest there is always another one waiting for us, isn't there? If we kill Lois then Mayson will be waiting for Clark - oh, she's dead already, but then there is Lana, or Chloe, or - well, there can never be a shortage of women out there, can there?
Ooh, a few things here smile While I too would prefer Lois to live in this story, if she did die, I would first of all cry like a baby for a month!... but still love the story... it's so beautiful and heartbreaking! It's about life, IMO, and how fragile it is, how quickly you can lose everything, and how you shouldn't waste a day or ignore the messages in your heart, because that day wasted could have been the day you got everything you ever wanted! I do understand that Lois dying might just make other people not like the story at all. That was just my opinion on that.

I agree that Wendy is using Lois's potential death here as a means for entertainment, but she is writing a story - she's got quite the following because we're all on the edge of our seat waiting to see what will happen, if she'll live... it's very entertaining, but more than that, it's so heartbreaking and just realllllly good! And the actual writers on the series did things like that for ratings, too, all the time ("The Witness", "Don't Tug on Superman's Cape", "Battleground Earth", "HoL", "TOGoM")... death or possible death is angsty and entertaining, and often is a means for bringing buried feelings rushing to the surface, a way of putting things into perspective for the main characters. I don't think any writers that write stories involving the issue of death are exploiting the characters - if done as Wendy's doing with this story (with care and concern and complete respect for the issues and feelings the story/characters deal with), they are merely telling an important story through them, and again if done as Wendy's doing, it's so real, that is why it can break a reader's heart!! Also, as I'm sure you know, Wendy's written a bunch of stories that deal with Clark's mortality (all her "TOGoM" stories, "For the Greater Good" to name a few), and the mortality of other principle characters (male and female). But yes, writing is about entertaining (hopefully wink ), so I do believe she is using death here to "entertain" so to say, and keep us reading, but I don't believe she's viewing Lois as expendable or anything. I'd say in this fandom, it's pretty even across the board, stories that involve the death or possible death of Lois and Clark. I'd say they each get their turn on the "deathbed" equally, not necessarily Lois more because she's the woman or expendable or anything...

Also, just have to point this out - I wouldn't worry about Lana (after loving Lois, Clark would never go back to her or even cast her a backward glance- she's in his past), and at the time Wendy's setting this story, he hasn't met Mayson and she definitely isn't dead yet (that happens mid-season 2). Lois & Clark are soul mates, and if Lois were to die in this story, I believe Clark would miss her forever, not date anyone else.

Okay, that was more than a quick note blush , sorry. Ann, I'm glad you voiced your opinions on this - that was just my two cents, just an opinion on what you've said. I'd be interested actually to read that UN article you were talking about. Thanks for sharing your thoughts~


On topic: MORE, WENDY, SOON, PLEASE!!!!!