Thanks to Nicole, I see that there is one more thing that I absolutely must say about this chapter, and it is that I totally, totally love Clark here. And that is important, because I hardly liked him at all in Wendy's previous story, "You Don't Know Me". In that story, I thought Clark was being angry at Lois and feeling sorry for himself because Lois hadn't been able to see through the lies about himself that he kept feeding her. And that self-pity on Clark's part, as well as his readiness to blame Lois for what was both their fault, didn't endear him to me at all.

But if Clark was selfish and full of hurt and anger in "You Don't Know Me", he is so absolutely altruistic and so full of love for Lois that he is, well, like a mythological icon of love who doesn't understand what a miracle he is to the woman of his heart, as he completely selflessly shines his love and warmth on her. This part of the story just choked me up:
That was what she wanted? For him to be able to take the place of his parents - make the decisions for her, be the one who acted when she couldn't? That was why she wanted him to marry her? Not because she actually wanted him as her husband?
A quickie marriage, in a tacky chapel somewhere in Las Vegas. Far from the kind of wedding he'd dreamed of.

And yet...

Her reasoning made sense. And, more than that, it was appealing. Because she was right. Once her parents got involved - as they had to - he'd be pushed aside. Without even any right to be with her. Chances were he wouldn't even get to keep his promise that he'd stay with her till the end.
Besides, Lois was asking him to do it. And it was probably the very last request she was ever going to make of him.

How could he possibly say no?

"Yes." Why didn't his voice sound like him? He cleared his throat. "Yes, Lois - if that's what you want, then I'd be... be honoured to marry you."
Clark, you make me cry and I love you! mecry mecry
Hell. She was hours from death, and they were fighting. He closed his eyes, tried to push away the hurt. "I was thinking of you, Lois. Of what you'd want."

"What I want, Clark, is for you to take me to Vegas. While I'm still able to talk."

"Lois." Her name came out as a sigh. I'm sorry." He enfolded her against him again. "I didn't want to fight... I just... I want you to be sure that this is what you want, that's all."

"I want it." The words were muffled against his chest.

"Okay." He caught her shoulders and gently put her from him. "Just give me a minute." And he whirled, coming to a halt seconds later in the Spandex. "Let's go."
Oh Clark, I love you! It has been practically your life's ambition to get Lois to love you, and you wanted to confirm that love with a true, heartfelt wedding, and now you are throwing all of it away on a tacky parody... because you love Lois so much! Because you'll do anything for her!!! mecry mecry

Well, I gotta run now. Maybe I'll come back and comment on how much Lois can see what a terrific guy Clark is here, even if she'd always denied it!
