So sorry I'm late -- was spending time with m sister this weekend and didn't get away to find time to post the next chapter! blush

Thanks, AndyG! This chapter was one of my favorites after it was done, precisely because it really does show just how human Clark still is, despite having his 'humanity' taken away, so to speak.

True, Ken, but I'm embarrassed to admit how many times you've had to point out that I might be getting just a bit too 'poetical' with certain things. Thanks for all your help!

So glad you're still enjoying, Lynn! I did sneak in several references to James being a part of the family, usually through Clark's pov, because he really is. The Kent all rely on him and have accepted him into their circle -- which I really enjoy exploring! Thanks for being a reserved fangirl! sloppy

Thank you so much, scifiJoan! You actually said something that made me cheer a bit -- that I conveyed just how much of his voice he'd lost. I have to admit, that's been one of the hardest parts of the story, trying to emphasize how isolating his silence is, but it's rather hard to convey properly. Reading your comment made me feel quite satisfied with all that work of rewriting bits, so thanks!

So sorry to bring up bad times for you, Christina! I did enjoy writing this scene, because it was one of the few times Lois and Clark have actually been brutally honest to each other, without the polite lies between, and that is raw and messy -- but as you pointed out, a good thing. I hope you were able to eventually get your friend back. Also, no spoilers about any forthcoming articles! smile

Thanks, L! Glad you're enjoying!

smile I shall take it as a compliment, VirginiaR, that I can torment Clark. The poor thing probably wishes I had never discovered L&C! I liked that Lois didn't let her guilt break her down this time either -- as I was writing the scene, I almost wondered if she'd back off, but she didn't, making it one of my favorite scenes to write!

Oh dear, I hope I didn't affect you THAT badly, DC, but I'm glad you were ready just in case! Yes, Clark did admit that he loves Lois. He tried very hard to pretend he didn't, but all his shields are down right now. frown Still, Lois was there for him, and as you said, he can lean on her and James. Sorry that you got a defective chapter -- hopefully the next one will correct some of it! smile

Aww, thanks, groobie. Your encouraging comments about the way the world sees Superman have made sure that I don't get TOO bleak in this story (don't laugh; it could have been a lot darker!). I love the hug, too!

Thanks for your patience, everyone! I'll try to be more punctual!