So very, very sad. Is there any way to step back from the cliff face that is behind you? Lois has killed Clark Kent, so how else can Clark be anyone but Superman all the time? He no longer has any other option. Lois took it away from him.

I know this Clark and this Superman have nothing to do with the one from the Christopher Reeve film, but that's how he treated his Clark Kent persona... as unimportant, as something to mock, and make fun of... not as who he actually was. This is why L&C spoke volumes to me. It never made sense that Clark would look at his life in this manner. Clark Kent is the hero; Superman is merely a means to an end.

The world may not need Clark Kent, but Martha, Jonathan, James, and Lois do. You demonstrated that very well by that dinner scene at the beginning. They NEED him, and HE needs them to NEED Clark. If only for an hour a day. He needs to be able to turn off the persona and be himself for part of a day. Nobody can last long (even if they don't need to eat or sleep very much) if they spend their entire life in the limelight. Sometimes, even actors, need to step off the stage and take off the mask.

I understand Lois's tears, as she was the one who stuck the knife in Clark's heart and killed him, but I wanted her to stand up and yell, "I NEED CLARK KENT!" Yet, how can she say that, when it was she who killed him? I feel as if she's MacBeth's wife, trying to get rid of the blood on her hands.

So sad. I have no idea how either of them can be rescued from this point. They have reached a stalemate. Thank goodness you have written many more parts! Phew. It can't get any worse than... I didn't write that. Ignore that sentence. PLEASE! grovel Can this be the worst? Knowing your stories, I'm guessing it won't be. I settle down in my corner with my hands covering my eyes, peering through my fingers to see what shoe you'll drop next.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.