Wow Wendy! A lot was going on in this nice, long section.

Relief - the relief that had been swelling inside him ever since Henderson had agreed with him that Edwin Griffin could be their man - died a cold, instant death. And in its place he was left with the same tearing despair he’d lived with ever since Dr Sutton had told him about the injection. The poison.
Lines like this are so vivid, and the character’s feelings are so well described that it make you almost ache because of it. The angst is so strong in this section. Wendy, I see you are well deserving of your avatar image.

Just as Lois would die, within hours.
See above comment. The hope that things will work out is fading away just as they believe Lois is fading away.

Someone had hired him... someone who wanted revenge for something done to a friend... It couldn’t be, surely?
My first thought was wondering why would Luthor do something like this. It just doesn’t make any sense. But Luthor's response later makes it much clearer.

The bleakness in them told her that she knew as well as he did that there was no hope. Griffin had been their last chance, and he was dead.
frown This so sad. Lois has been trying so hard the entire time to keep fighting. When it looks like she is giving up, Clark is there to support her.

If he had to turn this place - and Griffin’s home - upside down, he would do it. There had to be something. A clue. Some tiny, insignificant piece of information that would tell them what she’d been poisoned with. And he was going to find it. Had to find it.
All right. Clark seems to rouse himself out of the depression that threatened to overwhelm him. Lois is still alive and there still is hope.

“A vial.” He raised his head and turned to look at her. Excitement glowed from his face. “This could be it, Lois! Why else would a toymaker have a vial? It had to have had the poison in it.”
Is this the answer? Could it maybe, possibly, be the solution we are all hoping for? I sincerely hope so, but I won’t make any big pronouncements just yet.

“And so you caused his death. And probably made sure of Lois’s.” Clark looked at Luthor again, a hard stare of utter contempt, before turning towards the balcony in response to the sound he’d just heard. “Heard enough, Inspector?”

The lean figure of Inspector Henderson strolled in from the balcony. “Yes, I have. Lex Luthor, I’m arresting you for procuring a murder and attempting to conceal a crime.”
I have to say, I really enjoyed that line. I would love to see the look on poor Lex’s face right when Henderson put him under arrest.

As always Wendy, loved the whole part and can’t wait for more!


"But my experience is that as soon as people are old enough to know better, they don't know anything at all."

-Oscar Wilde, "Lady Windermere's Fan"