Catching up on my late New Year's that a bad sign? lol

Well...even if it is, here goes nothing clap.

1. Settle in to our home. We moved from out of state to our now home in late November. Love so much that we are here--close again to family, to friends, it's where I want to be. But with holidays, little kids, and this month lots of colds/a round of Pink Eye for each kiddo...yeah--settling in is taking forever. We're settled in enough to have everything we need. There aren't any boxes lingering around the house. But--there are tubs of randomness still here and there. Areas that need organized. I need to make it 'homey'. And there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day lately blush.

2. Get involved. I stay home with the kids--they're both in preschool. I'd love to do more regarding their preschool. And we're going to find some sort of activity for them to try this summer, I think. Plus, there are other volunteer things I've been wanting to do forever (amazing animal shelter that always needs help in the area, etc).

3. Cooking. It was here last year, too. And since it's back again this year, obvious to say that it wasn't improved upon wink. I nuke in the microwave...I unthaw from the freezer. There's more to meals than this, lol smile.

4. Make the most out of the year. Travel. Go to museums. Find neat areas to take the kiddos to. Spend tons of time with family (now that we're back and living close dance ). Live in the moment and appreciate the blessings...

5. Write. I started a L&C fanfic last...hmm...I think it was last Feb. whistle. I've been working on it s-l-o-w-l-y for months. Unfortunately totally obsessing over everything detail--it's my first fanfic (besides a poem I subitted when I first signed up on the boards here). Finally, it's getting 'somewhere' and I'm getting excited about it. Anyway, I just really want to keep it going, get it finished, get it 'up' here wink.


Last edited by LMA; 01/24/15 04:43 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~