Darth Michael: Hi Michael. Sorry for the delay in my response. wave
Oh dear! shock Is the EW taking her summer vacation?
No, but my writing/computer time did fly out the window this week.

Is Clark going to dump Lois? Is Lois going to take a break from Clark like Rachel did with Ross and will Clark then go and make a baby with Mayson only to have Lois show up the next morning, explaining what ‘break’ means? help Or should I just read and find out? huh
Wow! I think answering those questions might bring about major spoilage. How about just RaFO? [Linked Image] /I know. I know. Where's the fun in that?/

Would it help if the plane’s roof were to rip off, leaving Clark exposed to the sunlight from above?
METROPOLIS STAR: /headline/ Bomb explodes plane. There's only one survivor, but he doesn't want to talk to media.

RALPH: I usually do that in the storage cabinet in the office.
Not pee. Dry out.

CLARK: [Linked Image]
Yeah. That's what Clark has in mind.

Two hookers?
JIMMY: hyper And Clark has a girlfriend, soooo... I get his share...
LOIS: Get back to Metropolis this instant, Chuck!

CLARK: Yeah, one was over 50, one was a girl, and the last one an elderly British chap.
Maybe it's best not to talk about it.

They don’t shower and leave their drug utensils lying around?
JACK: No comment.

JIMBO: No, I’ll dibs CK’s TV when he dies next week.
JIMMY: But I already called dibs yesterday morning. Besides, you already called dibs on Lois.
The TV is Jimmy's; it came from their apartment when Jimbo moved out. Clark's was stolen and he never replaced it.
JIMBO: Drat!

Did he become a girlfriend?
JIMMY: No comment.
EW: There was a reason I added clarification.
JIMMY: I still don't want to talk about it.

So, he going to snap one day and stab CK in the stomach with a steak knife, trying to figure out what makes him tick?
Possibly. That trick would answer a lot of questions, I'm sure.

So, Lois could jump him without him being able to get to safety?
EW: /points above to Union Station reference/
LOIS: So, my place... but it's bugged, soooooo...

GIRLS: It’s so cool to have a gay big brother
LANA: Hands off, girls, he's mine.
YOUNG ALT-CLARK: [Linked Image]

Maybe he should make an honorable woman out of her, then?
CLARK: /coughs/ Curse.

LOIS: Funny, what this piece of male pride doing next to my bed?
CAT: Don't worry about it. I have a box of that stuff... /notices Phil eyeing her/... that I'm donating to the local homeless shelter?

Poor guy. I bet he’d love a video of it.
UNN: What? He hasn't been watching our 24/7 coverage?

LOIS: It was like a splatter movie. It just lacked popcorn. And a hunk to hold on to. But still, so satisfying
I'm thinking she'll enjoy it more after a month or two.

Yeah, would have been better had he floated next to Lex on the way down and talked to him about how he’s going to make a big splat on the ground and how he’d then go and do Lois in her bedroom.
MARTHA: That wouldn't have been nice. True, but still not nice.

TROLLOP: I tried but he was so wasted, he just wasn’t up for it.
(next week) DIRT DIGGER WEEKLY: Luthor's Whore's two-timing boytoy out on the town the night of Luthor's death. Details inside.

So, he’s now both cursed *and* associates sex with Lex and other nasty things? They’re never going to consummate while he’s not under the influence of red kryptonite.
LOIS: /razz/
It's really difficult to catch a good man in Metropolis these days.

So, he’s a bit scared of his little mad dog?
CLARK: [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Okay, lots scared.
LOIS: [Linked Image] Finally, a real relationship!

Oh boy. So, crewcut?
LOIS: Not THAT short.

Oh. So her hair is right on time, then?
I'm sorry was I supposed to include a TANK HAIRCUT WHAM warning before the part when Lois gets a haircut?

You know, I’m sure if she kissed him and he threw up a bit during, she’d stop kissing him.
He doesn't want her to stop kissing him forever, just for the foreseeable future.

Maybe she actually loved Lex just as the video showed and is now beside herself from grief? Or maybe it’s just that she blames him for the mess on her wedding dress? Or maybe the gutsy entrance she had to make into the police precinct?
CLARK: sad So, she doesn't like me?

Oh, there are *sooo* many loopholes in that statement for a good lawyer to exploit.
It had been Luthor's choice to expose Superman to Krytponite to make him lose his powers so that he was unable to fly when insane billionaires thought Metropolis was a giant mirage of water instead of a river of concrete. Where's the loophole?

Like how he can’t do Lois?
LOIS: /mad/
CLARK: Not helping.
LOIS: Don't worry, Chuck. You take care of the hard stuff. I'll take care of everything else.
CLARK: Like the running away? I can do that. /tries running/ Hey. How come I’m not going anywhere?
LOIS: Kryptonite poisoning. Why don’t you come lay down on my bed? I’ve got some of your favorite ties to keep you company.
CLARK: Gosh, Lois, you’re so… why are they tied to the bedpost?

Step on a man’s … ego...
Get ego all over your shoe?

Exactly. Maybe he should mention that it was Lois’s fault?
When should be a good time? Right before Wells returns with the antidote to the curse?

Like…telling her the *gasp* truth?
CLARK: I didn't lie... just omitted.

So, all it would take where a couple grams of lead, pressed into a conical shape and accelerated towards her heart to bring him eternal misery?
CLARK: Now, why did he have to bring up Alt-Lois for? mecry

Because they’re in public and he’s got a hangover?
Because when you're not feeling well romance is the last thing on your mind. Or is that just something weird that women experience?

Lois could end up marrying /call me Daniel/, they’d then have a daughter who’d end up marrying the spawn of Ralph, just to spite her mother, who’d then end up having a daughter herself with Lois’s reincarnated soul and Clark could marry her a 100 years down the road?
He meant tell her about Luthor's cage and video in 100 years.
CLARK: And it might only take 60 years.

CLARK: She acted like a damsel in distress…
LOIS: I thought you said she looked like me? /not liking being called a damsel/
CLARK: /uh/
A really unpretty version of you?

Best not mention that.

To be fair, Clark would also only notice Lois wearing a Kryptonite necklace if she where naked from the waist up and the Kryptonite pendent strategically positioned? And even then he might be kind of slow to put green and glow together.
CLARK: Ooooh. Pretty. And the jewelry... Ow!
Also, isn't that kind of what happened to him when he saved her from the thugs next to the elevated train?
CLARK: [Linked Image]
LOIS: See. You've got a problem.
SUPERMAN: Hi, my name is Kal-El. I have a problem. I like to rescue women from dangerous situations.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.