A Short Break
Oh dear! shock Is the EW taking her summer vacation? Is Clark going to dump Lois? Is Lois going to take a break from Clark like Rachel did with Ross and will Clark then go and make a baby with Mayson only to have Lois show up the next morning, explaining what ‘break’ means? help Or should I just read and find out? huh

Clark tilted back his seat on the airplane and closed his eyes, wishing the little sunlight coming through the oval on the wall next to Jimmy would help him feel better.
Would it help if the plane’s roof were to rip off, leaving Clark exposed to the sunlight from above?

“Got to dry out somehow,” Clark had murmured as his excuse.
RALPH: I usually do that in the storage cabinet in the office.

“What you need is the desert!” Jimbo had said. “Nice dry heat with the sun beating down on you all day.
CLARK: [Linked Image]

UNN has offered him a trip for two to Vegas, all expenses paid. Two plane tickets, two queen sized beds, two nights.
Two hookers?

especially after those guys roughed you up on your way back from talking to Superman at the Luthor House fire,”
CLARK: Yeah, one was over 50, one was a girl, and the last one an elderly British chap.

Now your apartment feels like Metropolis’ Union Station.
They don’t shower and leave their drug utensils lying around?

“It’s just a hangover,” Clark had said, wondering how badly he looked if he was getting nagged by Jimbo.
JIMBO: No, I’ll dibs CK’s TV when he dies next week.
JIMMY: But I already called dibs yesterday morning. Besides, you already called dibs on Lois.

Between the two of us, I think something happened to him in prison...”
shock Did he become a girlfriend?

“Not physically, but… I don’t know. He seems different. Odd.
So, he going to snap one day and stab CK in the stomach with a steak knife, trying to figure out what makes him tick?

Between the hangover and his loss of powers, his reaction time seemed slower than a slug’s.
So, Lois could jump him without him being able to get to safety?

Clark was too sick to fly. Literally.

but clearly forgotten in the many years since working as designated bodyguard to drunken sorority girls in college.
GIRLS: It’s so cool to have a gay big brother clap

He perceived that Jimmy had noticed that Lois had him wrapped around her little finger, but still… Clark had his pride.
Maybe he should make an honorable woman out of her, then?

Clark had his pride.


He just wasn’t sure where he had put it.
LOIS: Funny, what this piece of male pride doing next to my bed?

“I heard about his parachute-less swan dive,” Clark admitted, leaning back in his chair.
Poor guy. I bet he’d love a video of it.

Clark’s gut twisted as he again thought of how horrendous witnessing that event must have been for Lois.
LOIS: It was like a splatter movie. It just lacked popcorn. And a hunk to hold on to. But still, so satisfying clap

Then, again, if he had been there – as Superman – everyone would be wondering why he hadn’t saved Luthor.
Yeah, would have been better had he floated next to Lex on the way down and talked to him about how he’s going to make a big splat on the ground and how he’d then go and do Lois in her bedroom.

Since a scene hadn’t been alluded to this morning, Clark concluded that nothing untoward had happened.
TROLLOP: I tried but he was so wasted, he just wasn’t up for it.

Lois deserved that much before he even mentioned the curse.
So, he’s now both cursed *and* associates sex with Lex and other nasty things? They’re never going to consummate while he’s not under the influence of red kryptonite.
LOIS: razz

Not that Clark would ever mention this fear to anyone, but there was a part of him – a little, teeny, weensy piece of him, which suspected that Lois wouldn’t need Super powers to rip him to shreds, not just emotionally, but physically.
So, he’s a bit scared of his little mad dog?

When vulnerable, as he currently was, and both hung-over and without powers, that tiny piece of him grew exponentially to became terrified she might succeed.
Okay, lots scared.

It was even shorter than the style that other Lois had when he had first met her.
Oh boy. So, crewcut?

It was more like when he had seen her when her Clark had disappeared through that time window.
Oh. So her hair is right on time, then?

After saying a sharp ‘hello’ she had ignored him for a good ten minutes, so he knew it was definitely her.

Lois stepped closer to him and his stomach lurched, causing him to stiffen.
You know, I’m sure if she kissed him and he threw up a bit during, she’d stop kissing him.

Was she blaming Superman for Luthor’s death and thus the final nail in the coffin of the Daily Planet?
Maybe she actually loved Lex just as the video showed and is now beside herself from grief? Or maybe it’s just that she blames him for the mess on her wedding dress? Or maybe the gutsy entrance she had to make into the police precinct?

That had been Luthor’s choice, not his.
Oh, there are *sooo* many loopholes in that statement for a good lawyer to exploit.

You once said that I had to do what I could and that there were limits even to what Superman could do,”
Like how he can’t do Lois?
LOIS: mad
CLARK: Not helping.

he said, finding his pride.
Step on a man’s … ego...

It had been neither Superman’s nor his fault that the Daily Planet had been bombed.
Exactly. Maybe he should mention that it was Lois’s fault?

He reminded himself that she didn’t know what Luthor had done to him, causing his delay. He needed to try another tactic.
Like…telling her the *gasp* truth?

“You’re probably everything in the world that’s precious to me,”
So, all it would take where a couple grams of lead, pressed into a conical shape and accelerated towards her heart to bring him eternal misery?

he still loved Lois more than anything; he just didn’t have the ability to show her right now.
Because they’re in public and he’s got a hangover?

So, sometime late in the next century perhaps.
[Linked Image] Lois could end up marrying [Linked Image], they’d then have a daughter who’d end up marrying the spawn of Ralph, just to spite her mother, who’d then end up having a daughter herself with Lois’s reincarnated soul and Clark could marry her a 100 years down the road?

How could he admit to her how easily he had been fooled by Mrs. Cox’s disguise?
CLARK: She acted like a damsel in distress…
LOIS: I thought you said she looked like me? [Linked Image]
CLARK: [Linked Image]

Or how quickly he had acted when he had thought she was in danger without waiting for her code word?
Best not mention that.

All Luthor had needed was a damsel in distress,

Mrs. Cox had been wearing a Kryptonite necklace, and he hadn’t even noticed it.
To be fair, Clark would also only notice Lois wearing a Kryptonite necklace if she where naked from the waist up and the Kryptonite pendent strategically positioned? And even then he might be kind of slow to put green and glow together.

Mostly, Clark wanted to protect Lois from the knowledge of the lengths Luthor had gone to sully her good name in Superman’s mind.
He does realize just how much celebrity-fake-porn is out there, right?

How could he tell her that he had doubts?
You’ve been dallying with so many men while I thought we were dating, I just couldn’t be sure?

Sure, he had been able to talk to Cat about what happened, a little bit, but that was only because she had been there. She had seen what he had been through, so he didn’t have to tell her.
Plus, she believed it herself.
LOIS: Huh, so *that’s* where those 48 hours went…

“Lois,” he whispered, wondering why her anger seemed to be increasing.
She’s a Lois and it’s been 4 hours since her last coffee?

“Lois,” he whispered, wondering why her anger seemed to be increasing.
So, he’s leaving town then?

and dragging him into the shadows of the overhang of the Daily Planet portico.
Oh boy, she must be really mad to be so mean to him.

“Lois, please, I need some time and…”

“And what?” she growled. She took a step forward, and he took another step back.
CLARK: Vegas. Hookers!

“Distance,” he admitted, glancing away.
LOIS: mad

That was not what he meant at all. He was screwing this all up.
Well…he *is* moving his lips.

“Look, it’s not you,” Clark said with exasperation. “I promise you that. It’s me.”
Oh boy.

“You didn’t just go there, did you?” Lois scoffed, starting to pace. “I don’t know what’s up with you, Chuck, but I’m certainly not going to accept that answer.”
Maybe someone should tell her that [Linked Image] is an option at the moment.

“But I refuse,” she interrupted. “Refuse to accept that you used me to bring Luthor down.”

So, don’t tell me how you never really wanted to marry me when you proposed, because you never actually loved me.”

Wherever had she gotten that idea?
From his behavior?

If he could still love her after watching Luthor’s sex tape, nothing would drive him away.
I recommend he not tell her ‘I love you, even after you fornicated with the devil’.

Thankfully, Lois had handed him right back his sunglasses. As he slipped them on, he glanced over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching them or had seen him without his glasses.
MET STAR FRONT PAGE: Superman impersonator in civis nursing a hangover!
DIRT DIGGER FRONT PAGE: Met Star fallen to new low after arrest of Preston Carpenter!

He sighed and his shoulders fell. Did she really think he rescued people to avoid talking to her? Okay, maybe the old him used to do that, but not the new Clark.
The one without powers?

You mean there’s a way to opt out of the yelling? By all means, tell me how to turn it off. I’m all ears.”
Also, I recommend by occupying her lips with something else to do.
CLARK: [Linked Image]
CLARK: [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

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I go by Michael on the Archives.