No way to talk you into a daily posting schedule?
The posting schedule is mostly based on wanting to give people time to read each chapter and keep up. Also, the posting days are clustered around the weekend, on the theory that folks have more time then. I've thought about going to every other day, but 3.5 times per week is not a big increase. I'm worried that every day would be too much.

I'm very happy people are enjoying the story enough that you want me to increase the posting schedule, though!

BTW in matters of how the US Government deals with the Superman/Clark Kent secret identity issue, I recommend
"The Intern" By Marcus L. Rowland,
it is on the archive, great fun.
I had already read it and enjoyed it, though I never watched Veronica Mars and so missed out on some of it. It's still a great story even if you don't know anything about Veronica Mars!

I would not be at all surprised if the government knows about Clark. Actually, I would be surprised if they didn't.

By the way if you do bring in Power Girl, there is a fanfic tale, I don't recall the title or when I read it, that gives the best explanation for the cleavage display hole in her costume.
I'm sure there's all sorts of ways to explain it, but we all know the real reason it's there. wink

I love that you throw in all these little asides (homages). It's quite fun to read them!
Thanks! They were fun to write. laugh

Thanks again, everyone, for the comments and feedback!