Originally Posted by Tailee
What framework4 said about showing up 15 or 20 years later... Seriously blew my mind

Hey the author laid the groundwork for that idea...
Originally Posted by Part 15
Lois frowned. “...The time machine is still a time machine, right? If we arrive there long after Kara, why can’t we just go back and get her right after she and Tempus arrive?”

Wells frowned. “That is a possibility. However, doing so will change the course of events in that reality, and the longer after them you arrive, the more it will change. You will undo every effect of her being there, and she will lose all memory of anything that has happened after you remove her. You should take care to understand the impact before making such a decision.”

Lois shook her head dismissively. “There’s no way I’m going to leave her there a moment longer than necessary.”
I simply figure that she wouldn't raised the point UNLESS she planned to use it.

I am rather hoping that is exactly what the author does, she is clearly laying the groundwork for Kara to be accepted and protected.

I would love to see Lois and Clark facing the choice of leaving Kara there for 15 or 20 years without them or undoing all the good she has done, leaving all those lives saved to die.

I also think the following is pointing the same direction
Originally Posted by part 5
Kara headed for class, somewhat surprised. Could she make friends here? It hadn’t happened in two lonely months at Larson.

In this new universe she'd made friends, ones who now know she is Supergirl and are still supportive. Something she didn't have back home. She has bonded with Emily and Caitlin. She has already saved lives.

What I am hoping for is that Lois and Clark arrive in the midst of a major disaster, something that is simply too much for even a 31 year old Super Woman, with 20 years experience to handle. Clark spins into his suit and helps and in the aftermath discover that this Super Woman is their daughter Kara and it has been 20 years for her.

I picture the 31 year old Super Woman with a full support team, something Clark would certainly envy, well integrated and happy. A support team Lois and Clark will need if they want to get home with or without Kara since Tempus is clearly in place to destroy their anchor point to their home 'Verse.
