Whew, all caught up after being absent from the boards for a while! Wow, a lot has happened to Kara in the meantime. I'm happy to see that the President has a cool head about all of this. I mean, okay, the Emerald project is a little worrisome, but it's hard to blame them for wanting to have something to fall back on. And it doesn't sound like they're planning on launching any testing anytime soon, so that's good.

I'm far more worried about the reporter snooping around Milford. He could blow everything wide open if he's smart enough, and then it won't just be the "friendly" government quietly backing up Emily - instead, they'll have the whole media breathing down their necks. Yikes!

I'm hoping it doesn't take Lois & Clark too much longer to get there, though out of 53 chapters, I guess it can't be too soon either. Or maybe they get there but something happens to their time machine so that they're stuck too, for a while. Or whatever it was that Tempus was alluding to.