I'm so pleased you guys like this -- I hope I can hold your interest!

I'm curious how are going to handle this in a world where Superman is a comic character
Jose, I'm curious about that myself laugh

Yes, names are important.. he's not going with Kal King, is he?
Err... no smile Honestly, that one never even occurred to me... but it's pretty funny now that you mention it, Karen goofy

this is off to very pleasant start Maybe too pleasant? The lull before the storm?
Carol, you're a wise woman. And that's all I'm sayin'.

Kal Kong? goofy

Oh, look, it's Hearts Untied!
lol, Rachel. Glad you like the pop-tarts -- and the waterfall. I wasn't really sure how that would go over... and thanks for all your help beta-reading this story!

Maria, I used "old partners" to refer to their work to bring down Nor. And Lois runs a private investigation agency now -- did I not make that plain? Eek...

How will they create Superman persona?
That is an excellent question. laugh

this is a unique setup: A world where Superman is a comic book character is about to get its own Superman. I wonder how many people will be snooping around the Daily Planet looking for Clark Kent ...
Probably quite a few... of course, they won't find anything there... Glad you're reading, Nan.

Well I know what name thye will pick anyway<g> Cute idea. Laura
Don't be so sure wink And thanks!

I can't wait to see how Kal and Lois manage to make a comic book character reality.
Me neither! I hope they're coming up with some *really* good ideas... goofy

I love the originality of this and HD. Perry being a colonel, Lois a lieutenant and now a private investigator, and Clark (now Kal!) not even growing up on Earth - it's just so creative!
Thanks, Jen. smile I like playing with universes.

I love how Kal and Lois are close and comfortable with each other - even though she says in the begining that his presence will take some getting used to.
Thanks, Julie <g> I couldn't really write them as being too awkward with each other, not after all they've been through.

And yay, they're getting married. (unless you'll be evil and give them trouble first, that is <g>)
Would I do that? angel-devil

I love Kal and Lois's interaction. I'm so glad Lois knows what Kal has given up for her. And yay! Brenda and Francine are back. They are such fun characters.
Thanks, Tricia smile And I figured that if I tried to write a sequel without Brenda and Francine, I'd get lynched... I didn't really need them, plot-wise, the way I did in the last story, but I like 'em, and they can be very useful on occasion!

I loved the opening and the interaction between Lois and Kal and also how he wants to marry her. More soon please!
Thanks, Crazy Babe. Congrats on your soccer team!

And now, I suppose I should post the next part, which should answer a few of the above questions...


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K